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Axapta может работать в ДвухуровневаяКонфигурация и трёхуровневой конфигурации.

В последнем случае используется ТонкийКлиент, СерверПриложений AOS и третий уровень – БазаДанных.

Интерфейс пользователя работает на тонком клиенте, БизнесЛогика работает на сервере приложений.

XPlusPlus и MorphX поддерживают директивное определение места исполнения кода (RunOn, ключевые слова client и server)

КластерAOS – как сделать несколько AOS с балансировкой нагрузки



http://dynamics-ax.blogspot.com/2006/01/single-node-vs-shared-for-aos.html Someone asked me on tech-unity.com the difference between a Single Node vs. Shared for setting up an AOS. I found the below to be very helpful:

Single Node Object Server

(Exclusive mode/Advanced Object Server) The Exclusive Mode of the AOS applies to systems where one AOS services an application exclusively to all clients. In such an environment, only one AOS operates for each application running. This gives wider possibilities for exploiting caching mechanisms to obtain better basic throughput. It also provides efficient means for obtaining One-system Awareness (the situation where all clients are known and controlled by one central instance capable of dispatching messages, reporting on complete system condition, and managing all sessions).

Load Sharing Object Server

(Shared mode/Parallel Object Server) The Shared mode of AOS is used in situations where AOS, for any reason, must coexist with other AOS (or during migration to the AOS environment, to coexist with standard 2-tier Axapta clients accessing the same application and data resources). In the Shared mode, the AOS allows others to access the application object database (AOD). This allows starting multiple AOSes (at different Windows NT Servers) servicing the same network-shared application, and accessing the same data at the SQL server. This mode gives a reduced basic throughput (compared to the Exclusive mode AOS) due to the reduced possibilities with respect to caching, but it provides a wider specter of scalability by allowing a number of Object Servers to run in parallel. Using the Load Balanced Client Connect feature of Axapta, the client sessions are distributed over the servers available when a client logs in. In such an installation, even servers of different capacity can cooperate on servicing clients in the load-distributed AOS environment.

MazzyMazzy: http://axapta.mazzy.ru/hints/aoscash/ AxForum: http://www.axforum.info/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=55846 http://www.mbsonline.org/forum/post.asp?method=ReplyQuote&REPLY_ID=38024&TOPIC_ID=10339&FORUM_ID=22 MazzyMazzy: http://axapta.mazzy.ru/lib/runaos/

axapta/трехуровневаяконфигурация.txt · Последнее изменение: 2018/04/13 22:43 (внешнее изменение)