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Метод, который выполняет заданную программу или заданный файл НадоПеревести

If anyone has every done any windows development, prior to or outside of X++, then most likely you have used the ShellExecute before.

Below is sample code that shows you how to launch IE, and feed IE a web site to launch, which happens to be a static HTML page in my c:\temp folder.

server static void WinAPITest(Args _args)
// WinAPI::shellExecute() returns an int value. 
//1 being that everything launched ok, 0 being a problem. (usually path, etc.)
// WinAPI::shellExecute(FileName _lpFile,[str _lpParameters, str _lpDirectory, str _lpOperation, int _show]);
// example


axapta/класс/winapi/shellexecute.txt · Последнее изменение: 2018/04/13 22:43 (внешнее изменение)